This article gave me great contentment. It begins...

“The worst-case scenario for us,” a leading anti-budget-cuts lobbyist told The Post, “is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.” Think about that. Worst case? That a government drowning in debt should cut back by 2.2 percent — and the country survives. That a government now borrowing 35 cents of every dollar it spends reduces that borrowing by two cents “and nothing bad really happens.” Oh, the humanity!

In it Charles exposes the absolute lack of prioritizing things that really matter by the left as well as their lies. If they cared one iota about the results of their fabricated consequences such as they predicted while trying to make a case not to sequester, surely the worse case scenario is not that "nothing happens." And by the way, nothing much did......

And congrats to the GOP for showing signs that there may be a backbone in there somewhere after all!


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