The Lenten Vows

I Vow to Know:
That Lent is the season appointed for the cleansing of soul from all earthly stains.

That at this time all the Power of heaven is working for me, with me and through me.

That as I prepare my soul for the reception of the Power and Light, it will go forth and bring to pass all the dream-desires of my soul.

That “according to my faith” is but the limit which I myself place upon my ability to release Power.

That the Father puts no limit upon my release of Power.

That my own consciousness determines my results in the outer.

That I shall be powerfully selfless in my actions, powerfully determined in my steadfastness, powerfully strong and humble in my heart.

I Vow to Promise Myself:

To surrender to the whole Light of God.

To become the servant of all the Power.

To speak only the things the Christ would speak through me.

To hear only the things the Christ would hear as me.

To think only as the Christ would think about my brothers as me.

To act only as the Christ would act toward my family and the world as me.

To do something each day to show forth this Spirit of the Christ as me.

I Vow to Face My God:

Each night with a pure heart and clean hands.

Each morning with a song in my heart, which shows forth my gratitude.

Each noontide with a greater surrender of myself to the fullness of His glory.

Each feast time with praise for the release of His substance to rebuild my life and my body temple.

Each business hour giving over every detail into His charge and keeping, ready and waiting for His right answer.

Each social hour of diversion with the completeness of His joy so possessing me that I shall radiate the happiness to recreate all things new.

Each quiet time of silence with the tranquility and devotion of Spirit that makes the angels of heaven rejoice that earth is becoming heaven.

– Edna Lister

Safari Woman
Thanks so much - I really needed this. And thanks for posting it HERE!
  • February 26, 2023
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Linda Mihalic
  • February 27, 2023
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Safari Woman
  • February 27, 2023
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