Bahahaha! Sometimes these loons are laughable. (They would be more so if they weren't so dangerous!)

Media Matters is a liberal haven of agenda pushers united against America. While keeping a close association with Obama and developing the appropriate propaganda to reinforce his every desire  via their robotic like staff, they stand firmly with the President on the issue of stripping American citizens of their rights to bear arms. How ironic that they have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or maybe that is more like they have been caught with David Brock's bodyguard's hand on a Glock.

As USUAL liberals PROVE that their rules are for every body else but not themselves. This is echoed in the Feinsteain bill that omits herself and fellow representatives from having to follow the gun bans and regulations in it.

Liberal motto: DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO


(Related Hypocricy -Obama goes on jihad against Americans with guns but arms jihadists across the world)

 Media Matters Article Linked Below->

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