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Leaving Wed morning... yay! I am ready to escape this crazy place!

I told my daughter I would keep her posted daily, if possible, the location and itinerary - someone needs to know our plans and to know if there is no communication the last position. I'm not worried about much except this is the first journey on the unknown boat so there is a learning curve. I am thinking it might be best to actually head south first - to wider, deeper less busy waters for a day of learning the nuances of steering, anchoring, and other aspects of handling the boat and to check everything after a short run while still in the vicinity of Miami where anything wrong can be fixed quicker than anywhere else on the coast with so many boating businesses here. The system checks have been constant and little things have been fixed already - also an engine leak was found and fixed. I think we are in as good of shape as we can be to start out. 

Goodbye hooker boat, good bye party boat, good bye gay guy boat, good bye, good bye, good bye!!!!

Dale Barnes
Looks like you didn't clear out of there yet. Get out while you still can.
  • November 3, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
I escaped
  • November 11, 2017
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