March 1, 2017 Really! What is wrong with these people who could not muster up even a little spirit for their fellow Americans during President Trump's Joint Session Speech last night? What they chose to sit on their rear ends through, groan at and fail to show the slightest care for was insulting not only to the President but also to the people he spoke about, meaning us average American citizens. Their behavior was absurd and inappropriate. It can only be called un-American behavior coming from the Democrats. 

Among their anti-American responses:

Nancy Pelosi doesn't approve of job creation in America 

The Democrats gasped and groaned when Trump announced a new program offering aid for victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens.  The new program is V.O.I.A.C., pronounced like "voice" intended to give a voice to those who have been long overlooked and often times left without any recourse or resources after they or a family member suffer a crime by an illegal alien. 

Democrats refused to applaud at Trumps call to put Americans first. 

Democrats don't stand or applaud when President Trump said we will destroy radical Islamic terrorism.

Someone was kind enough to circulate a list of ten things the Democrats didn't stand for or applaud, I'll just leave it right here.

PJ Media also made their own list of eight most disgraceful Democrat reactions to Trumps speech. 

What I wonder about is, if they weren't going to engage in the speech other than to act like sore losers and spoiled children, maybe they should have followed Justice Ruth Ginsberg's example and just stayed away altogether. 

But the worse and truly most despicable behavior of the evening, came from Clinton volunteer Dan Grilo, who cruelly put down Owen's wife for being thankful her husband was remembered and called her an idiot. 


Don't forget, this is who he ridiculed with such a vile message. 

 And, for that Dan Grilo, you have just earned your place in line for the douchebag of the year award.

So to you Democrats who not only don't respect the President, and steadfastly insult Americans with your lack of support for things us every day citizens find important, like safety and jobs, I say keep it up. Hopefully, we will be rid of all of you after the next election. Until then, just keep on being yourselves because you really don't have to work at making yourselves look bad. 

In fact, I am so insulted by your disrespectful behavior that I don't even mind passing on this rather insulting image someone created of your women in white protest. Many found it ironic that you would choose to show your true colors by wearing the color your party embraced when you created the KKK years ago. So, in lieu of the middle finger salute to all of you, I give you this. May you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed watching you make fools of yourself and knowing you have little to no respect or consideration for Americans across the land. 

UPDATE! There may really be a sense of justice on our horizon. I am happy to add to this article, that today, 3/2/17, it is being reported that scumbag Dan Grilo was FIRED for his horrendous tweet calling Owens' wife an idiot!

Copyright 2017 aka SafariWoman all rights reserved, no duplication, publishing, printing or any other use without express written permission. Other copyrights may also apply.

Pelosi and dems look foolish.jpg (37.3 kb, 187 views)
Good article.
  • March 2, 2017
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Safari Woman
  • March 2, 2017
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The Democrats acted like petulant snowflakes and it's shameful and embarrassing. So this is how easily Dems can turn on us when they are not at the helm! And they call us Nazi's??
  • March 2, 2017
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Safari Woman
UPDATE! There may really be a sense of justice on our horizon. I am happy to add to this article, that today, 3/2/17, it is being reported that scumbag Dan Grilo was FIRED for his horrendous tweet calling Owens' wife an idiot!
  • March 2, 2017
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