The small amount of information in relationship to the scope of the story and how it is being used for huge political agendas to take away gun rights, is very stupifying at best. From the few reports that come out there have been wide variances and many elements don't add up. The lack of reporting, the use of the crisis the many views this calls to light make Sandy Hook a mystery no matter what the truth may be and IMHO we will never know it.

From a website builder and experienced web user's perspective, I've noticed a lot of errors in time stamps on many items and it may be due to time stamp issues related to so much cloud computing going on. If a server's time stamp is wrong then every where it posts it will show up inaccurately. Many websites are using multiple servers' cloud capacities and there seems to be issues with them being set wrong throughout the internet and world wide. Building and using a cloud server in haste is probably the cause of many of the time stamp problems as it is up to the person setting up the server to set the proper time stamp or else errors will reflect where ever posts show up on line continually. So in my mind I can't become extremely anxious over the fact that items show up with incorrect time stamps, BUT it does seem odd that there are so many issues related to this particular crime.

About the Links Below:

Was Shooter Adam Lanza A Zombie? Covers the wrong date of death being shown on As a web builder I have to point out that this is a privately owned site. An error like this could be accidental or it could be a publicity hoax pushed out to drive visitors to their site. (Just sayin...) 


Wellaware1 Fairfield CT HOAX School Shooting - Wellaware1 is a website well known for exposing actors who play parts in fake news events. Many of the expose's are easily believable. Others - you decide.

Sandy Hook Fundraising Relief Page Created 3 days Before Shooting - Another time stamp story. But check the United Way Article below, as you will see time stamps on Google are not evidence of anything other than there being an issue with the time registered on the server.

I'm Sorry Governor What Did You Say? - A video recording of the announcement made by the Governor of Connecticut where he says he and the Lt Gov were spoken to about something like this playing out in his state.

Prominent rifle manufacturer killed in mysterious car crash days after posting psych drug link to school shooters  - Covers the recent death of of rifle manufacturer who posted a substantial list of information regarding the links of psychiatric drugs and school shootings

United Way Finally Admits That They Do Not Possess A Time Machine United Way shows according to a Google time stamp that they made a comment about the incident prior to the date it took place.

 Sandy Hook Planned: Video Tribute Video Uploaded Weeks Before Massacre A video showing more than one listing online with a tribute of some sort posted according to a time stamp prior to the event. (Note imho time stamp anomolies are common but still this is odd)

SANDY HOOK THE NEW 9/11... SHOCKING EVIDENCE of INSIDE JOB & RITUAL SACRIFICE BANNED by ATS! Pt1 / 2 Unless you know nothing of lay lines the average person could skip to minute nine and see the expose of the position of Sandy Hook elementary along a particular lay line and the relationship with a temple along its path. 

Sandy Hook Hoax is a website dedicated to exposing a variety of anomalies.



Ken Brock
this is some crazy sh-t!
  • January 11, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
I wish I knew
  • January 12, 2013
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Cassie Simpson
I just really don't know what to make of all of this. I want to know if they found drugs in him or not for starters. 
  • January 13, 2013
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