Environmental Nightmare and much more than that - as I well know this was the final straw that broke a lot of car dealer's backs when the auto industry was at its lowest point. It also took a lot of starter cars out of the market that not only hurt starter car buyers in that they had few options for low cost cars but it also extremely hurt wholesalers and dealers who focused on these cars. Oh yeah another great obama idea to take over what should be a private industry. But the fact that it was an environmental nightmare just makes it all the sweeter for the future torturing of the nut jobs who voted for this clown.


In a classic tale illustrating the “law of unintended consequences,” a new report concludes that President Barack Obama’s $3 billion “Cash for Clunkers” taxpayer-funded boondoggle artificially drove car prices up, not down, and unleashed an “environmental nightmare” through shredding, not recycling, many of the 690,000 cars people traded in for an up to $4,500 car credit.




Janice  Vicks
I remember you telling me what was going on with you guys during this time. Who could blame you for being so angry at what obama personally did to your's and so many other businesses. 
  • January 5, 2013
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Mike Blackwood
The wholesalers and the starter car lots dropped like flies. Did you ever notice how the left can't see past their noses when it comes to their plots and agendas? Well the mindless sheep can't anyway. The utopia they would create if given the chance would equal hell on earth. 
  • January 6, 2013
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