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We Will Not Be Silenced, is a documentary made by Democrats about the fraud and suppression they experienced first hand during the election in 2008. It seems like a good time to post this series for distribution again after watching Bernie Sanders' supporters' frustration over the process and how it affects their candidate of choice. I believe they are naive to think that the party will allow their candidate to become the nominee. 

IMHO in 2008, a year that was supposed to be Hillary's turn, Barack Obama, a little known first term Senator, was intended to be introduced to the public. I don't believe they thought for a minute he actually stood a chance against Queen Hillary. When it became obvious the masses were hooked on "Hope and Change" they realized they had an opportunity to push through many more items on their agenda than Hillary might have ever been able to accomplish. With Barack, they had the extremely powerful race card causing all manner of subjugation to the whims of the party to move as far left as possible. They also came into the process with a majority in the House and the Senate making way for their thrust in the heart of the nation. 

In this documentary, displayed below, one will hear of voter intimidation, false counts, unverified names on ballots, mail in ballots with the exact same handwriting on multiple entries and many other things that transpired to insure Hillary lost and Obama won. 

And with this I also make the case that Bernie will not be the nominee no matter how many states he wins. The Democrat party owes/owns Hillary Clinton and it will be her and they will make that happen just like they made Obama happen in 2008. The only thing that can take down Hillary is the FBI presenting evidence calling for an indictment over the email server issue. Even then, it is my contention that it still won't be Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren seems to be waiting in the wings for something to happen. 

Walter D.
I never saw this before. I knew there was widespread fraud in that election! Remember ACORN? So far we know Hillary won six coin tosses in a row but the super delegates are the key this year. Hillary will win and Bernie will disappoint his voters by going along with the party. He already has, they j...
  • March 21, 2016
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Safari Woman is online.
From what I know and we all know due to the reports since this came out, there was so much cheating! I agree - the parties are not our friends.
  • March 21, 2016
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