Across the nation, especially in Texas, citizen militia groups are responding to the current invasion (yes, that's what it is) of illegals on the southern border of the United States.

An alert was posted at our friends at Free, as well as other sites:

"***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia ***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia Conference Number 24/7 For info and assistance 559 726 1300 access 639939# It's time to bring down the thunder. Activating the Patriots willing to stand up for America GO GO GO. III% Kelli in Texas USA Let's share this like the brushfires of Liberty."

This sounds totally American and Constitutional to me. After all, it is constitutional militia, not National Guard or DHS, which are supposed to repel invasions. However, some elected representatives just don't understand the Constitution.

Bob Price reports, "State Rep Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) spoke to Texas Department of Public Safety Director, Colonel Steve McCraw about the militia groups coming to Texas. On a Facebook chat thread this morning Toth said, 'Steve McCraw is not looking for anyone to show up on the border to help DPS or the Guard. If you would like to join the Guard we would love to have you but don't show up on the border to help it will only cause confusion and lead to someone getting hurt.'"

Price also reported, "Another leader of the conference call said there are 500 militia troops currently deployed on the Arizona/Mexico border. She declined to specify where they are deployed. She also confirmed they have "boots on the ground" in the Laredo sector at this time."

This call comes just weeks after milita from across the US traveled to Nevada to stand with rancher Cliven Bundy against an armed to the teeth federal government over alleged fees owed by Bundy. That standoff ended with the feds backing down.


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