this one was my favorite from this collection:

After the Storm

by Cheryl Ricci

As I walk upon your shore,
I see that you have weathered the storm.
You are different, battered and worn.
But there is hope, as I find a piece of sea glass or a pretty shell,
And I know that all will be well.

The sand has been blown away exposing signs from the past,
The dunes have eroded,
Only to reveal what was always there,
But hidden by their beauty, standing tall and protecting.

The sounds of the waves have stayed the same,
Giving peace and solace to those who take a moment to listen.
The sun still shines upon the water,
Sparkling and glisten.

Your sands will return
And in the summer, the ocean will greet us upon a new shore.
Giving joy to us once again and more.


Safari Woman
  • October 16, 2013
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