burning american flag
Peter Stzrok has devil horns in his forhead
Bug eyed Schiff and Barney Fife - look alikes
go back to bed dems
The Obama White House is defending Islamic State
excellence equality equity
The truth behind the twenty dollar bill change
Who is Bill DeBlasio Mayor of New York - Real Names Matter
Glass Ceilings shattered in 2016
Christine Blasey Ford Kavanaughs Accuser laughing it up at the hearing
People will die LEFTY PROPAGANDA predictive programming worked
Day without women Womens march Organizers
what the fresh hell is this all  about
And now a word from China
Pervy uncle Joe makes women scream ha
What is a false flag
The Leaders of the Democrat Party
Democrat Rebutal SOTU 2018 Joe Kennedy mad magazine
Nasty Pelosi scolds Democrat for standing and applauding at SOTU 2018
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