burning american flag
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The truth behind the twenty dollar bill change
The Covid Family
NEVER FORGET Wht Antifa and BLM - two Democrat groups - did to America RIOTS
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners George Carlin quote
Is it or is it not ok for a 17 yr old to carry a rifle in the street
Useful idiot Yuri definition - do not be a troll bot sheeple useful idiot
According to Liberals - Good Relations with Putin VS Treason
Soros convicted of insider trading in France 2002
gates land owner
Photo from 1924 Democratic National Convention KKK Klanbake
separation of vax and unvax
Liberal Privilege
If you think Republicans are racists you might be brainwashed
BRANCO cartoon Ultrasound to determine if baby is a male predator or female victim
The great exodus from California
The Democrats flew the communist flag at the DNC are telling us to worry about Russians
CRT White Supremecy Culture BS
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