Topic: obama

obama doesnt know sh-t
Embarrasing Manchild President of the United States Makes Time for Disgusting YouTube Star GloZell
Andele Obamanistas Catch and Release Immigration Policy
If There Are Riots Here is Who is To Blame
Does Obama Know About Anything Other Than His Next TEE Time
White House? Call it the Sequester House
Mooch looks like the statue of David lmbo
Revved Up - Sharpton becomes Obamas go to man on race baiting - Politico Cover
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Emperor Obama and the Court Jester Biden
obamas life before politics
That Feeling You Get After About Two Minutes Of Listening To Obama Talk - Al Bundy
The Five Gitmo Bad Guys That Obama Traded for a Traitor
Dreams from my Douchey Father
National Womens History Month Celebrates Our First Girl President
Resist Tyranny before there is no way out
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
Obama - I heard there was a biker rally today
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