Topic: liberals

Family Feud Name Something that frightens liberals
Have you ever seen a cow walking a RINO
Liberals in 2015
The Land of Make Believe Where Everything is Opposite
How Archies Pals Die
Undocumented Democrats
Detroit Hiroshima 1945 2010 after five decades of democrat control
I am a tolerant liberal
Liberals Faulty Thinking Caused By Bleeding Hearts Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain
Zombie Rights Activists
The fifty dollar lesson
Obamas Bait and Swtich
A list of every thing the world owes you and you are entitled to
I dont waste time on liberals and their mumbo jumbo
If you feed liberals they will eat for a day but if you teach liberals how to fish WATCH OUT
The 50 dollar lesson
Aw so cute Christie and Obama - nobody tells them anything
Saul Alinsky Taught 8 Levels of Control to Create a Socialist State
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