Topic: liberals

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What do you call a basement full of liberals - A WHINE CELLAR
George Soros Social Engineer of the destruction of America and huge donor to Democrats
Safe Space - Definition
Dont be mad at an athlete Be mad at your CRAPPY government EMPLOYEES
When I grow up I am going to vote Democrat
Liberal Networkers Keyboard
The five pillars of liberal faith
Attack of the Crybullies - Todays liberal snowflakes and social justice warriors
Progressives masquerading as liberals pave the way for Hitlerism Ludwig Von Mises quote 1940
The core of liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats PJ ORourke quote
Zombie Rights Activists
An Indian and an African walk into a bar 2 Liberal White Women Joke
Soros got first small fortune selling loot seized from Jews by Nazis
Liberals 101
Reality VS Liberal views
I dont waste time on liberals and their mumbo jumbo
Think education should be free and teachers should get paid more - you might be a liberal
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