Topic: liberals

Happy New Year 2020 You are here
What do you call a basement full of liberals - A WHINE CELLAR
George Soros Social Engineer of the destruction of America and huge donor to Democrats
Safe Space - Definition
Dont be mad at an athlete Be mad at your CRAPPY government EMPLOYEES
When I grow up I am going to vote Democrat
Liberal Networkers Keyboard
The five pillars of liberal faith
Attack of the Crybullies - Todays liberal snowflakes and social justice warriors
Progressives masquerading as liberals pave the way for Hitlerism Ludwig Von Mises quote 1940
The core of liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats PJ ORourke quote
Zombie Rights Activists
An Indian and an African walk into a bar 2 Liberal White Women Joke
Soros got first small fortune selling loot seized from Jews by Nazis
Liberals 101
Reality VS Liberal views
I dont waste time on liberals and their mumbo jumbo
Think education should be free and teachers should get paid more - you might be a liberal
The 50 dollar lesson
A list of every thing the world owes you and you are entitled to
Obama Walking on Water Thanks to Liberal White Guilt
Bullies how the lefts culture of fear and intimidation silences Americans Quote Ben Shapiro
corn maze for liberals
Democrats run 10 out of 10 large cities with the highest poverty rates Liberal policies do not help the poor
2nd amendment for liberal dummies guns are for despots not bambis
People who work for a living are being overwhelmed by people who vote for a living
Family Feud Name Something that frightens liberals
The pussification of America MIZZOU
liberal logic guns
The Land of Make Believe Where Everything is Opposite
Liberals in 2015
Undocumented Democrats
Baltimore 50 years of Democrat Policies
If you feed liberals they will eat for a day but if you teach liberals how to fish WATCH OUT
Obamas Bait and Swtich
When God was handing out brains - No thanks I am a liberal
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