Topic: guns

Liberal Idiocy Reguarding the Hollywood Shooter - Blames the NRA
Don't worry he is only allowed 10 rounds
gun Control Honduras vs Switzerland
They got obama guns you got a phone
These shooters were all democrats - maybe democrats should not be allowed to have guns
Liberalism is all about control
How is it you need a background check to own a gun but not to run a country
The terrorists are coming Turn in your guns and run to the gun free zone
Irony Parkland Shooting
The gun chart that shuts down liberal gun control arguments
Reduce drunk driving by taking away cars from sober drivers
Mass Shootings Chart  from Reagan to Obama - Any Questions
Nobody needs an AR15
Government killed over 250 million people in the last century
Liberals are so stupid about guns
Anti Gun Democrat Senator Shoots  Home Intruder
The truth about gun deaths
I do not own assault weapons all of mine are defense weapons
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