Topic: gun control

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The truth about gun deaths
Disarming innocent people does not protect innocent people - the theory of DUH
The History of the Original Assault Rifle
Obama These types of mass shootings dont happen in other countries BULLSHIT #Paris
Time Magazine 1956 Teaching Firearm Saftey in the Classroom
How is it you need a background check to own a gun but not to run a country
Hey Barack When Are You Going To Tell the Mid East to Stop Clinging to Their Guns & Religion?
Obama Take Guns from Americans Obama Give Guns to Syrian Rebels
Report Obama and Holder for Illegal Gun Sales
Don't worry he is only allowed 10 rounds
NOTICE Sooting school children strictly prohibited
The Godfather and his fellow Gun Grabbers - Meet The Mayors
2nd amendment only covers muskets LOL yeah right
Chicago is the blueprint for national gun laws obama quote chicgao number 1 in gun violence
Reduce drunk driving by taking away cars from sober drivers
16 RINOs Who Voted To Advance Gun Control
2nd amendment for liberal dummies guns are for despots not bambis
Mass Shootings in America Who is to Blame
People who think you should own guns vs people who think you should not
The Utter Ignorance of MSNBC
Anti Gun Democrat Senator Shoots  Home Intruder
We must not judge the many by the actions of a few Muslims or Gun Owners
And you thought they wanted to take away guns to protect the innocent. Feel foolish yet?
These shooters were all democrats - maybe democrats should not be allowed to have guns
Gun control activists
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