Empty Chair Obama - We Do not have a strategy yet
Elizabeth Warren Land of Fakes Butter
Arthur Predictions
Obama in Aleister Crowley Tshirt VS Boy in American Flag Tshirt - CREEPY
how i spent my easter vacation
Obama - Leader of the Surprise Party!
Beautiful Butterflies
Scalia on SCOTUS corruption and Warren Court
When I grow up I am going to vote Democrat
The secrets of Freedom and Tyranny Maximillien Robespierre quote
When the truth comes out do not ask me how I knew ask yourself why you did not know
House Republicans who voted for Appropriations Bill funding DHS 2015
Grumpy Cat - You are all nothing but creepy ass crackers!
The Emporor Has No Clothes Obama speaks to small crowd in Germany
Society grows great when old men plant tress they know they will never sit under the shade of
John Boehner Models the New Republican Party Logo
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