How do you spell Moron?  -L-I-B-E-R-A-L - Correct!
What Matters the Most is how You See Yourself
Sad Unemployment Picture 2013 Compared to 1982 Recovery
Jeh Johnson donates over half a million to DNC Obama Makes him HLS director - now he wants to take over elections
Man crushed in car in Oregon is doing fine now
3 Branches of Government according to Obama
Happy Birthday America
Sept 2015 3 Hurricanes in the Pacific
Obama Sadly Elected Twice For the Color of His Skin Not the Content of His Character
Who murdered Seth Richards and Why
Panoramic View of Milky Way from Chokoloskee Island Florida photo by  Noel Benadom
Fear is a Liar
Antonin Scalia Practice of Constitutional Revision Robs the People of Liberty Quote
Trey Gowdy statement about FBI director position
You can either grow up or be a socialist but not both
The Real State of the Union Graphs Charts
Peter Tatchell is wrong quote about sex with children not being harmful
Drinking and Smoking during pregnancy - Dont worry liberals say its not a baby yet
Green Glass Mystery Main Pieces Spread Apart
So you expect me to believe a fetus can be gay but not human or alive
Obama gave Oprah a medal for saying old white people should die
My culture is not your fashion Zebra
It worked for hitler and it is working for obama
Outside of my office window
Obama's Jobs Council Member Supports Romney
If There Are Riots Here is Who is To Blame
Close Up Mystery Glass
Christmas Angel of Love
Our Country is in Trouble
Mohamed Elibiary Obamas Top Homeland Security Advisor Thinks America is an Islamic Country
George Soros Social Engineer of the destruction of America and huge donor to Democrats
What obama meant when he said Change we can believe in
Dr Spock Space Cowboy
Remember the military at Christmas
Santas Sexual Harassment Trial takes a dramatic change for the worse
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