Topic: big gov

Remember when everything sucked and Government fixed all the problems - Neither do I
Big Government Bull Sh-t Train
If God wanted us to have big gov there would be 1000 commandments
The 50 dollar lesson
This is not freedom!
This is not freedom Big Gov is not a Fatted Cow
Henry Ford Quote Any Man who thinks he can be happy with big gov look at the American Indian
U.S. has Spent 3 trillion 700 billion on Welfare Over Past 5 Years
Map - Which State Is Best for Small Business
Big Gov to Tax Payer - You need to learn to live with less
Founders did not fight for government control of you they fought against it
A Government big enough Thomas Jefferson Quote - Case in point
Governments create wealth the same way ticks create blood
A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves Edward R Murrow Quote
Without Government - Who would provide - FILL IN THE BLANK
NO MORE trickle down government
Off all the tyrannies this might be the worse one
If you advocate I be caged for your free stuff Larken Rose quote
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