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Best coal in my CHRISTMAS stocking GRETA SERIOUSLY
So you expect me to believe a fetus can be gay but not human or alive
Ronald Reagan concerned about Nancy Dancing with Frank Sinatra
MLK Had a Dream. This Wasn't It.
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
The secret of Freedom lies in educating people Maximilien Robespierre Quote
Congress should wear jackets like NASCAR Drivers so we can know who bought them
If you become sheep the wolves will eat you Benjamin Franklin Quote
Strong Good Weak Hard Men
Antonin Scalia quote on the practice of constitutional revision
Pearl Harbor Veterans Salute
The five pillars of liberal faith
After every act of terror we are told not to judge all muslims based on a few - can we treat gun owners the same
End of an error Jan 20 2017 NOBAma
I dont waste time on liberals and their mumbo jumbo
Obamas Wonderland State of the Union Speech
Statistics - Black children born without a father in the home before and after LBJs Great Society
Obama's Youth Brigade Hand Gesture VS Hitler's Youth Brigade Hand Gesture
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