January 20, 2020 by
in Me
Margaret Sanger
January 20, 2020
File Size:
165.41 kb
Mark Bailey
How this appeared is beyond me.
  • January 20, 2020
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Safari Woman is online.
Maybe because - you looked at that article I linked about mlkjr - which mentioned the negro project - this is how much you are being tracked around the internet and having that info immediately shared through multiple platforms that sell or trade such info to each other... they may get it all from g...
  • January 21, 2020
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Mark Bailey
I use Firefox. Not hip on Chrome.

I can't tell you how many fake accounts have recently ask me to friend them. One fake made it into my group and used foul language on my intro and welcome post. Of course, I reported him and blocked him.

Also, I swear both Facebook and YouTube are tracking me more t...
  • January 21, 2020
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Safari Woman is online.
It's too late - that info is already common knowledge among the sharers of AI and connectivity. I've tried to undo some connections before to no avail. I had to unfriend a real friend in real life - and I even blocked him on FB - yet everywhere I go his videos also turn up. I guess I'm glad he wasn'...
  • January 21, 2020
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Robert Kenard
My IT guy calls it the eternal record
  • January 26, 2020
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