Topic: protest

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Celebration at Dakota Pipeline Protest Site
Dallas protest police shooting update 1230 eastern 7-8-2016
Protest Rally Dallas Officers shot dead critical
I politely decline the social contract
Marching to the Capitol in DC 9-9-08
Marching to the Capitol
One of the signs I carried while marching to the Capital
Me in front of the Capitol - DC - 08 - March and Protest Liberal Agendas
Politicos Cartoon Depicting Obamas Snub of the Anti Terrorist March in Paris
Borders Even Heaven Has a Gate
Protestors burn effigy of Obama during anti US protest in Manila
Capitalism is private ownersip of property Socialism is state ownership of people PICK ONE
Obama and the 1MVetMarch
Dont Tread On Me Sign Hung on WhiteHouse Fence
Million Vets March On The Memorials
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