
 Public school textbooks overwhelmingly promote Islam.  This affects your children and your grandchildren.  In the SAME way that liberalism has been taught in our education system during the past 50 years, Islam is being touted as a misunderstood, peaceful religion.  It's up to YOU to protest Islam in public school books and to read over these books yourself!   Inaction on the your part wil contribute to the downfall of America.  This is a FIGHT FOR LIFE! 

 Dear Lois,

Public school students are the targets of Muslim Brotherhood “information warfare.”

If you have a son, daughter or grandchild in a public school, it’s almost a certainty they are a target of this information warfare.

For over 20 years, Muslim Brotherhood-connected organizations and individuals have been hard at work getting information into school textbooks that paints a false, rosy picture of the history of Islam.

Last year our “sister” organization, ACT! for America Education, released a report revealing just how successful this public school “information warfare” campaign has been.

Entitled “Education or Indoctrination? The Treatment of Islam in 6th through 12th Grade American Textbooks,” this report documents hundreds of examples of errors, omissions, and outright historical falsehoods.

For instance, it’s common to see these textbooks describe Muslim conquerors as “tolerant,” and even “extremely tolerant,” of those they conquered—an assertion that is historically false.

As a result, our middle and high school-aged students are being conditioned to accept, without question, the propaganda put out by Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR and ISNA, and their politically correct enablers.

ACT! for America is fighting back against this “information warfare” campaign aimed at our children.

    Last year dozens of ACT! for America chapter leaders and members met with school board members and other education officials to make sure they were aware of the findings of this report.

    Just recently, one of our chapter leaders in Washington state helped a student prepare a report on Islam. In doing so the chapter leader, using our textbook report, showed the student the many errors in the textbook. The student’s report pointed this out to the school principal—who removed the book from use in the school!

    In June 2011, with the help and support of several ACT! for America chapter leaders, the father of a 7th grader in Washington state filed a complaint about a textbook that had a strong pro-Islamic bias. In response, the school district suspended use of the book pending a further review.

    Later this year we will launch a two-year grassroots campaign that will include letters to the editor, more meetings with school officials, petitions to local school boards, meetings with textbook publishers, and expert testimony before state textbook selection committees.

If you’re a parent or grandparent, this information warfare campaign should be especially frightening. Your children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated.

With your help, we’ll be able to challenge textbooks all over the country and eventually “convince” publishers to make revisions so that Islam is presented in an accurate, unbiased way.






Safari Woman
It is being promoted every where right now! On Saturday I took a little break and decided to watch a few minutes of TV. So I found a show on the books that aren't in the bible and figured it would probably be according to some agenda but little did I expect that at one point they would start reading...
  • April 1, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
I'll be sure to pass this on to friends and family. We have to stop this! 
  • April 2, 2013
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