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R. A. Schultz



Whenever a progturd, in this case Governor Andrew Cuomo (PROGTURD-NY), says something stupid, we can be sure of three things: 1.  The Make-Believe Media will either under-report it or ignore it altogether; 2.  All of the progturds that know about it will agree with it, even embellish it, and; 3.  The original offender, in the unlikely event of being questioned about his faux pax by the media, will double down on the original absurdity.



Cuomo, during a speech on women’s rights on August 15, addressing President Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” quipped that “America was never that great” to audible gasps (and some laughter) from what should have been a progturd-friendly audience.  True to form, all three of the aforementioned events have already occurred, followed by the apparent dawning in this nitwit’s brain that he had just stepped on a land mine, and a “walking back” of his comment, after a media-controlled mini- firestorm of criticism.



Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-NY3), in an appearance on Fox & Friends on August 16, seemed to be at a loss for words when asked to comment on the absurdity of Cuomo’s now admittedly “inartful” remark.  Zeldin stated that he, personally, would “have difficulty” in making such a stupid remark as it’s patently untrue. 



Incidentally, Cuomo’s grandfather arrived in America from Italy in the 1920’s virtually penniless.  Andrew’s father, Mario, was governor of New York for three terms.  The family fortune today is counted in the millions.  “Not so great,” eh, sh*t-for-brains?



What’s truly remarkable here is the ease with which this absurdity rolled off of Cuomo’s forked tongue, indicating that it is truly reflective of his core beliefs.  And this clown is going to run for president in 2020?  I have an idea for his campaign slogan:  MAMA ~ Make America Mediocre Again.

Safari Woman
ha good one -- otherwise his slogan would read WANGTMAGA  (we are not going to make America great again)- it doesn't quite roll of the tongue the same lol
  • August 19, 2018
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Linda Mihalic
#MAMACuomo is perfect!
  • August 20, 2018
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