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This is amazing to me - RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT???? SPEND MORE???? Isn't our current debt of over 16 trillion ENOUGH???? Is anyone else sick of working for the insanely out of control Obama led Federal government rather than yourself?

EXCERPTS: (Reuters) - The Obama administration's opening bid on Thursday in negotiations to avert a year-end fiscal crunch included a demand for new stimulus spending and authority to unilaterally raise the U.S. borrowing ceiling, a Republican congressional aide said.

The proposal, made by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to congressional Republican leaders on Capitol Hill, was seen as offering little the Republicans could agree to and was greeted with laughter, the aide said.

"We can't move any closer to them because they're not even on our planet," the aide said. "It was not a serious proposal."


MAYBE NOT But they will blame the Republicans for their failures anyway!


Shy Girl
the live debt clock is so scary!!!
  • December 1, 2012
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Well, its politics and we all know how keen the bottom-feeders are about keeping their jobs at our expense. The GOP is stuck, they will be blamed for raising taxes, or they will be blamed for allowing Obama and crew to drive us off the so-called fiscal cliff! The bottom line is, the only bartering ...
  • December 1, 2012
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