I know if you watch the news with Obama, Kerry and that "maverick" McCain, you may be thinking that you were watching reruns of the three stooges. but say what you may, Obama has accomplished his objective. We now have a reason to officially but secretly arm the Syrian rebels. it took a whole year, but the Benghazi arms deal is wrapped up, no loose ends. After all, dead ambassadors tell no tales.

Unless of course, some of the shoulder fired antiaircraft man-pads makes it across our southern border disguised as burrito-makers and are used to take down a few of our airliners. Even then no biggie for the administration. With the DHS's armored vehicles, "assault" riles, billions of rounds of ammo, drones, and a militarized police force imposing martial law, confiscating our guns, and seizing our assets will be a snap. So easy in fact, they may just make it permanent.

If you think about it, Obama cant' lose . If he comes out ahead, then he's a hero to his brain dead sycophants. If he loses and the U.S. takes it on the chin, he wins even bigger.

Russia wins because they get paid to take back the chemical weapons that they sold to Assad and get paid to do it. Good deal for them. I wonder if Snowden will wind up at the bottom of the Black Sea.

Assad is the big loser, but it serves him right. How stupid is he after all? Two days after the U.N. chemical weapon inspectors arrive in Damascus, he bombards a suburb of Damascus with easily traceable chemical weapons. He must have known that the Obama administration could pin it on him since out of all the different terrorist groups, militias and foreign fighters, He alone had chemical weapons. Chemical weapons that could only be delivered by artillery that only he had. And then to have his guys talk about  preparing for a chemical weapons attack on Radios? What was he thinking!. The rebels don't have any radios!

Carl Spencer
I don't believe the world is buying his lies. Every day more evidence comes out that it was the rebels not the government that used the weapons. I posted a video today from a hostage who has first hand knowledge of it. I believe he was already arming the Rebels and that Benghazi is a side effect of ...
  • September 12, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I agree! Now if chemical weapons are used... Assad has covered his butt... he can't be blamed easily for something he did not do!
  • September 12, 2013
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Willis Pebble
I think you both have great points.
Carl, Ambassador Stevens was probably meeting with the Turkish ambassador to send either weapons we loaned the Libyan resistance or some of Quaddafi’s weapons to the rebels in Syria. Somebody found out and thought the Americans were pulling a fast one (which they ...
  • September 13, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior

There is only one thing though I have to say...Assad wasn't using those chemical weapons. He hasn't been killing his own people. It has been the rebels.

The Saudi's are behind this civil war in Syria. They have given free passes to over a thousand criminals ( rapists, murderers, etc.) to go ...
  • September 13, 2013
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Willis Pebble
Redneck Angel Warrior, you are probably right about the Saudis. I saw this report on August 29th confirming what you said. Also there is some connection with the Obama and maybe the Bush administration and the Saudis'. Maybe oil maybe something more.
  • September 17, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
from one of the comments on that site..

You should watch the youtube video of interview with General Wesley Clark in 2007. In an interview with Amy Goodman on March 2, 2007, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in
5 years: Iraq, Syria...
  • September 17, 2013
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