This episode is an interview with Curtis Duncan, titled “The Conspiracy to Feminize Males & Masculinize Females” and is being released on Thursday, August 16, 2012. My interview with Curtis was recorded on August 11, 2012.

This is our first online video interview, so if you’re getting this in audio only, please go to the Gnostic Media website if you’d like to see the video version.

I heard Curtis on Red Ice Radio’s 3Fourteen a couple weeks back and reached out to him and we wanted to have him on Gnostic Media as well to follow up on our interview with Karen of GirlWritesWhat.

Dr. (a pseudonym) Curtis Duncan is a one of world’s most knowledgeable holistic health and weight loss experts and researchers and a master Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. Curtis has been spent over 10 years independently researching holistic health and is one of the world’s most knowledgeable health experts. His areas of expertise include the Law of Attraction, the amazing power of self-love, mind-body medicine, Vitamin D and the miracles of sunlight exposure, agriculture, nutrition, the dangers of environmental chemicals and GMOs, herbal medicine, natural remedies, holistic weight loss, essential oils, stress management, women’s and men’s health, preventing and curing disease, the dangers of Western Medicine, mind control and propaganda, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, eugenics, and food and health conspiracies. He has a deep understanding of the politics and business of obesity and “disease”, the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and conventional medical treatments, and the fraudulent global Medical Monopoly and their conspiracy to make humanity sick and so they can make endless profits at individual’s and society’s expense.

His philosophy is your health is your birthright and responsibility. His mission is to empower people to be “Healthy As Ever” and have the kind of body that they desire. He is truly passionate and committed to helping people improve their quality of life. He knows that armed with the right information and tools, people can make better choices for their health and longevity. He has the necessary information and tools so people can live life more abundantly. He has worked with clients throughout the globe and people have gotten phenomenal results applying the tools or information that he has. He is the creator of several health oriented products which include “A Women’s Guide to Herbs” and “The Chemical Feminization and Emasculation of Men”. His mission is to empower people to be healthy by giving them excellent information.

The Chemical Feminization and Emasculation of Men
Is an awesome, information packed recording on how to avoid hidden chemicals that are behind the reason why testosterone levels have been declining, 30 million men have impotence, sperm counts have dropped by 50 percent, and men’s penises are getting smaller. The chemicals are also behind the exploding rates of male genital birth defects, autism, ADHD, prostate, testicular, and male breast cancer, belly fat/obesity, low libido, and man boobs or gynecomastia. These chemicals also have gender bending effects and cause men to act and behave like women and be gay. This is must have information for all men and women!

Harmed By Hormones: How Estrogenic Chemicals Make Women Fat, Sick, and Manly
An excellent information packed recording on how to avoid the estrogen mimicking chemicals that are behind the exploding rates of fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, female infertility and miscarriages, and breast, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer. 1 in 8 women today will develop breast cancer as a result of these chemicals. These chemicals are also the reason why girls are going into puberty in the 2nd grade and why millions of women are fat and have flabby bellies. These chemicals also have gender bending effects and cause women to act and behave like men and be gay. This is must have information for all women!


Listen to this video here->

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