EXCERPTS: There are many ways in which the Obama Administration benefits from a sycophantic media.  One of the biggest is the way media memory banks are flushed and rebooted every couple of months, preventing Americans (especially the fabled Low Information Voters, who pay only cursory attention to the news) from developing any sense of historical memory about what this Administration has done.  With a few exceptions so huge that they just wouldn’t fit in the Memory Hole – most notably Obama’s “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” lie – everything happens in a vacuum where Obama and his agenda are concerned.  Every day is Day One of the Obama presidency.

This was especially evident when the media allowed Obama to take his absurd “victory lap” on April Fool’s Day, touting the alleged success of ObamaCare in reaching its 7 million enrollment target.  For one thing, the original enrollment target was double that amount; 7 million was the result of some hasty goalpost-moving after the Affordable Care Act was passed.  Also, the media didn’t ask (or invite its audience to ask) the most cursory questions about the number touted by Team Obama, such as how many of those “enrollments” were actually paid and valid insurance policies.

Crucially, the media’s aggressive shredding of inconvenient history kept it from putting ObamaCare’s enrollment “achievement” in any sort of larger context whatsoever.  The vast majority of those “enrollments” were people whose previously satisfactory health care plans were destroyed by ObamaCare; as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) put it, government agents busted their car windows, then other government agents came along to sell them new windows, while the President touted the success of the Department of Window Repair.READ MORE -> 


I don't see how $7 mil is a success.   NY City is just over a population of 8 mil.  So what about everyone else? 

Anyway, since the media is in obama's pocket,  we shouldn't read or watch the news knowing that it's manufactured.  If we boycotted the media surely it would draw attention to the inequality of skewed news.  

Given a set of different circumstances, I would have gravitated to journalism, which I considered a  very respectable trade.  But, uh, today,  I'm afraid that I wouldn't touch it with a touching stick!

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