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Arkansas lawmakers overrode a veto Wednesday and gave the state the most restrictive abortion law in the country - a near-ban on the procedure from the 12th week of pregnancy onward that is certain to end up in court.

Translation:  Arkansas says no to murder after the 12th week of pregnancy.   Well, that's a start.  So, uh, are they saying that on the first day of the 13th week this 'thing' becomes a real baby??  By some magical wave of the Twelth Week Wand the 'thing' becomes a 'human'.  Interesting thought process..............

This is a 'thing' at ten weeks.  Hmmmmm.........looks about the same as a 'baby' at twelve weeks..........





Topics: abortion, 12 weeks
Safari Woman
I have to stay out of this one - I go in circles.
I believe in a woman's right to control her own body.
Spiritually I believe when a fetus is more than clumps of cells and well on its way to become a person that it isn't just the woman's body anymore.
I am so glad it isn't up to me to have to decide...
  • March 6, 2013
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