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0bama Cannot Be Impeached   by Annette Schultz

There is a great deal written about and posted on the Internet these days about "impeach 0bama", and sign this petition.  While this is all a well-intended step to rid ourselves of a usurper, traitor, and illegal president, according to the Constitution this cannot be done.  Why, you ask?  

Let's suppose that "you" go out and dress up as a police officer and start making traffic stops.  We see this a lot in funny videos such as "Candid Camera" which is still used in Canada and other countries, but putting this in real-life terms what happens when the impostor gets caught?  Let's say "you" have been impersonating an officer for several years now and lots of people are quite convinced you really are a cop.  Ah, but finally several someones actually discover you are not a police officer and you have had no authority to act as such, much less make people comply with what you tell them to do.

Must a chief of police initiate a civil service suit action to remove you from the office you don't really hold?  NO, because he can't!  You are not a civil servant.  This same scenario applies to 0bama.  He has flaunted the law in every way he can and continues to do so under the cloak of being the president, even to the point of telling us he will decide what is constitutional and what is not.  Does that truly sound like 1. someone who knows and understands the law, or 2. has complied with any training as an elected president?  The answer is NO!  No matter how good impeachment  sounds, or how well-intentioned it may be, it cannot be done.

Should he be tried and convicted for impersonating a president, and whatever other crimes he has committed in the process of that impersonation?  Yes he should, but just as the police chief cannot bring legal action against "you" for being a civil servant because "you" never were a civil servant: neither can 0bama be impeached for impersonating a president. 

So all this talk about impeaching 0bama is just bull pucky: a futile attempt at trying to rectify a huge mistake that can only be done via the arrest and trail of the impersonator.  

That brings me to another very sad reality.  In the last four years of this impostor posing as the president here is how the swing toward illegality has gone.  We are all aware of the many trials that have been brought against 0bama for not having a valid birth certificate.  How deeply intrenched is this country in illegally working judges?  This should give you a clue: http://www.westernjournal...

Even e-verify does not recognize 0bama as qualified to be employed in the United States.  Does it need to be any plainer than that? So any signatures you place on any petitions are worthless and futile.  Arrest and trial is what "should be" forthcoming,

Next, no one in Congress has taken any steps to do anything along the lines of arresting this man.  Nor has the Secret Service, nor anyone that I have seen or read about in Washington D.C.  All of whom have sworn to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.  So what's the deal?  Are they all in cahoots?  Afraid to lose their jobs? 

The only force that is standing up against this impostor is the Arpaio possee and our United States Sheriffs offices across the country.  Be prepared that at some point this is going to explode, not just in a complete meltdown of our financial system (no thanks to the misuse of the office of President by the usurper, etal), but also of the misuse of legislation against you and I: the law abiding citizens.  Count on it.

This is not our government.  It's been usurped from the top on down. The only way we could remove him is physically and this isn't 1775.  Everybody today is too scared because they have much to lose.  Most congressmen had nothing before they ran.  Now they're wealthy. 
  • February 12, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Precisely, and what did Jefferson say about trading freedom for a little security - we are seeing it unfold right before our eyes.
  • February 13, 2013
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Safari Woman
Thanks Annette great blog! I have made this exact same argument from day one. You can't impeach the unimpeachable. But being the entire Congress and Senate, the judicial system at large and a good deal of the population all accept that the guy in the uniform is a cop whether he is or not, it leaves ...
  • February 12, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
I agree and have made the same argument. 
  • February 12, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Looks like I am preaching to the choir.  You might want to take this and share it with your mailing list so people realize the full extent of what is really going on.  We are only fooling ourselves to think we even have a republic to save.  We are at the "start over" point.
  • February 13, 2013
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Did I mention my new greatgrandson-to-be is being named Lucas.  I love it!
  • February 15, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
  • February 15, 2013
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Truth Warrior
Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll neve...
  • February 13, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
I think that was a line from Braveheart - well said I would say, and so VERY true.   Oh, heck, I just saw William Wallace at the very bottom of your comment. LOL  But I loved the movie, agree with it fully, and my compliments for such an insightful answer to this.
  • February 13, 2013
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Truth Warrior
Alice, what I have realized in my own life is that for many many years,I have handled my freedom like a clown with clumsy hands holding a valuable gift. My hands were so clumsy that i actually devalued the value of the gift because the clown did not take too much seriously. William Wallace is the ...
  • February 13, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
See the above - I always forget to hit reply! 
  • February 13, 2013
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I think most of us have taken freedom for granted and that's why we are taking its' loss so hard. We can't alter the past but we can try to change the future for the sake of those we betrayed; children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews and friends. I also try to impress my adult grandchildren wit...
  • February 13, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Lois, that is the very best any of us can do, because the future is always in the hands of the younger generations.  Keeping them educated well and with facts is the hardest thing to do.  Most of my kids witnessed the aftermath of WWII up close when we lived in France and visited the graveyards and ...
  • February 13, 2013
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Robert Kenard
Well said. In my youth I was like the bull in the china shop of freedom. I am afraid many of us were and now we are realizing that we can't use the shattered pieces in the same way that we could have used the cup or plate that we accidentally broke. I assumed freedom in America was a given. I was wr...
  • February 15, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
I reread what you wrote about growing up in the 60's.  Somehow, I missed that.  I graduated in 1962 but I never got involved with the "in" crowd, or the "hippies".  They always seemed ultra stupid to me. But with what you wrote, I can see where that is where they started with mind control.  Remember...
  • February 15, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Hold onto that, Truth Warrior, we are going to need it very soon.  What I have learned, also is it takes good examples for people to follow.  You sound like you might be a very good one.  Leaders are not born, they are made: made through their experiences and knowledge.  The two together are a very ...
  • February 13, 2013
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