12/3/15 By ~SafariWoman

At the social service center: The couple left three rigged-together pipe bombs with a remote-control detonating device that apparently malfunctioned. The controller was similar to the model car controller used in the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. Authorities said the design indicated that the attackers appeared to have calculated that their initial attack would draw heavy law enforcement and emergency personnel response and they left behind a device that would cause still greater casualties.

At the site of the shoot-out with law enforcement where Farook and Malik were killed about two miles from the initial attack site, was found:  a Black SUV they rented the day before, legally purchased .223 Remington rifles (one DMPS A-15, one Smith & Wesson M&P15), a Llama pistol, and a Smith & Wesson handgun, 1,400 .223 caliber rounds and 200 9 mm rounds of ammunition, multiple IEDs, remote controlled cars, and “roll out bags.” This has been described as being indicative of an apparent plan for a sustained attack with multiple casualties. The couple was wearing tactical clothing and body armor including vests stuffed with ammunition magazines.

At their house described frequently as  “an IED facility.” 12 pipe bombs, tools for making more, small explosives strapped to remote-controlled cars, and 5,000 additional rounds of ammunition made up of 2000 9 mm rounds, 2500 .223 rounds and several hundred .22 rifle rounds.

The store listed as the one that sold the weapon's owner, who did not want to be named, denied selling the firearms to the pair.

 All of which, according to online retailers analyzed by the Daily Mail Online, could cost as little as $4,000.


Johnny Rudick
These devils had a long range plan and for it to be kept hid from the sheeple so long, the nature of these birds is . . . Well they are anyway. :-/
  • December 4, 2015
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their co-workers were the soft target; they were going after something bigger which is on their facebook posts and in their cell phones
  • December 4, 2015
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