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JULY 15, 2015

Illegal Immigration: The Democrat Vote Machine


Illegal immigrantsPresidential hopeful Donald Trump raised a real firestorm recently when he made his comments about illegal immigrants. But I’ll have to say that while his wording could have been improved, he’s absolutely right. We are faced with a wave of crime in this country, which is caused by Obama’s lax immigration policy.

Sadly, all too many of those who are taking advantage of our porous border are doing so with criminal intent.

Of course, the mainstream media isn’t covering that, as it doesn’t fit their narrative. They’d rather misquote Trump, making him out to be a racist, so that they can make him look bad. Besides, isn’t the horror of the Confederate Battle Flag much more important than the loss of our country’s sovereignty?

More:  http://www.survivopedia.c...

You could not be more correct. The wording was a bit harsh but when one thinks about the content he hit the nail on the head. I do love The Donald in that he speaks his mind. He's one of those people who isn't afraid to say what many others are thinking.
  • July 19, 2015
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