Newman, the co-author of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children,” believes Common Core and its affiliated tests are not just ineffective but dangerous.

“There is no doubt that this Obama scheme to nationalize education is designed not to educate children properly, but to shape their minds with propaganda and reduce their critical thinking abilities for nefarious purposes,” Newman said. “As we show in our new book (“Crimes of the Educators”), rather than improve education, Common Core is the next phase in the education establishment’s destruction of American children. One state lawmaker with an education degree told me this plot was ‘state-sponsored child abuse.’ He is right.”

We should take our schools back from the Feds and into the hands of the states where it belongs.

The atheists are starting a campaign against vouchers to religious schools. I don't see what difference it makes because the bottom line is to EDUCATE the kids. (yes, propagandize them......would be a...
  • April 12, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Thank God above...
  • April 12, 2015
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