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President Barack Hussein Obama has invited  80,000 Muslims to immigrate next year to the United States. He is doing this by executive order.  Additionally, he has promised to bring a minimum of 100,000 additional muslims per year, for the next 5 years.

In a determination letter to Congress, Obama has announced that he will allow an additional 80,000 muslim immigrants – – mostly from Islamic countries – – to resettle in the United States during fiscal year 2011, and 100,000 per year from 2012-2016 

Mr. Obama says that the increase in Muslim immigrants “is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest.”

For a president who browbeats Americans about the Federal government having separation of church and state he sure is advocating one religion consistently over all the others. First it was that we had no choice but to build the mosque at Ground Zero in New York, now it is that a certain ethnic segment is getting preferential treatment over all other Americans.

Letting in another 80,000 Muslims on top of the already 1 million each year, half of which come in illegally will not make any difference whatsoever.  Obama either does not understand the numbers or he has another motive.

Laurel Victory
He wields that executive order around, doesn't he?
  • November 6, 2013
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