Why Is Obama Punishing Our Veterans

The way the Obama administration is trying to score political points by deliberately hurting the World War II veterans should be a wakeup call for us all. We have seen the face of unaccountable federal control during the partial government shut down, and it is not pretty. The way the World War II veterans were treated clearly tells us how life will be in America with Federal control of our health care. Like it or not everyone must choose sides for this may be the last time any choice is possible.

The World War II veterans, who are in their 80’s and 90’s were part of a group brought to D.C. By the privately funded   Honor Flight Network , who’s  goal is to bring the veterans to the World War II memorial before these heroes of Americas greatest Generation pass into history. The group’s sponsors, had officially requested that the memorial stay open, a reasonable request since it was an open air memorial and usually open 24/7. The White House did not respond to the request but they did act to the request in a decidedly malicious manner

On Tuesday morning, the veterans found that the WWII memorial, created to honor their service and their sacrifice, was blocked by barricades and crime scene tape. This was the response to the Honor Flight’s request. The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB)  ordered the barricades fork lifted in to block the open air memorial. They even included a brand new sign proclaiming that the site was closed due to the government shutdown. A government, apparently, not shut down enough to prevent them using it’s resources and personnel to deliver barricades, print signs, and to have officers to guard the barricades . The Administration obviously thinks that one of the essential functions of government is to stick it in the eye of these honorable American veterans.

 Fortunately, some Republican members of Congress and one Democratic Senator came to the memorial to help the veterans, and after Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota cut the tape, the barricades were pushed aside and the veterans re-took their memorial. The Administration’s efforts to block the veterans were repeated every day and Friday they even had the barricades wired together.  All over the Capitol open air monuments are barricaded off, restrooms locked, water shut off and guards posted. State, local and private parks are being forcibly closed. In Congress, Bills to fund the National Park service are ignored by senate majority leader, Harry Reid. In fact, the Administration is deploying more resources and personnel to make sure that the greatest number of Americans are negatively impacted by the closings than are normally deployed when they are open.

The question is why is Oboma is wasting our tax dollars closing memorials and parks that would cost nothing to keep open? We have seen that president Obama has no problem using Federal Agencies like the IRS and EPA, to punish his political opponents and detractors.  But the veterans were not Obama’s enemies, many probably voted for him. It stands to reason that they were merely targets of convenience. Just another segment of the population he can manipulate into doing his bidding or as props in his propaganda war against Republicans. They were deliberate collateral damage.  That type of Machiavellianism is rare in American Presidents. It is something that should scare the hell out of every person especially at a time that the president is about to control our families health care.

What this really means is that this President has no moral compass and is capable of anything. This is not new and not even new in American presidents. What is new is the unprecedented power that the office has acquired. What is most alarming is the fact that a man, who would treat those veterans that way, will soon have the power of life and death over us, through health care. What do you imagine this president will do to these elderly veterans when he is control of their healthcare?

When a leader uses their power to harm those under their control, they should never be given more power.  If you really understand what is happening, you no longer have a choice. It does not matter if you are Republican or Democrat, for or against Oboma care, for or against the partial Government shut down.  Obama cannot be trusted in matters of life and death over us and our families. If we do, no American will ever really know if our medical treatment is directed for our well being or to serve some unknown purpose of the government. No matter who is president in the future, we will never know if the reason our child was denied life saving treatment, was because of our political affiliation or that we spoke up in a town hall meeting one time.  Not knowing means we may never speak up, knowing your children have a better chance to live, but live as slaves.

What can we do?

Let your Representative and Senators know that they cannot give more power to an administration, especially over your family’s health care, that they will abuse that power.

If they are doing the right thing make sure you call them, email, facebook them and tell them so. Put all their numbers on speed dial call them every day.

If they are not doing a good job tell them that as well.

Talk to your neighbors, see if they have hardships due the pause in government programs, help them or and get them private source help. Help the American people know that they do not need the Federal Government all that much. If self empowerment starts becoming popular it will quickly bring an end to the budget impasse.

I would also like to make suggestions for our members of congress.

Gather as many of the House members as possible go down the WWII Memorial, physically pick up the barricades, load them on a rented truck and have them taken away. Then individually greet any veterans who what to meet with you and reporters that are there, and then walk away. No big speech, if interviewed simply say “look, this is ridiculous, it’s a fabricated problem and totally unnecessary. We in the House are doing what we are doing because it is our Constitutional duty to protect the American people. We cannot keep blowing through debt ceilings, borrowing to pay our lenders, spend more than we take in, and paying to load people on the Obamacare express train wreck”. If anyone says that removing the barricades was a political stunt simply say “Yes. We wanted to shame the administration into not causing unnecessary hardship on the people he is supposed to be protecting”.  “We are trying to get things worked out with the senate and the president, we know this is causing hardship, we tried to help legislatively and there is a stack of bills sitting on Senator  Reid’s desk to prove it. But these veterans deserve our honor and respect. Removing these barricades is one hardships we can remove, so we did it”.

The House of Representatives should continue to send small simple funding bills through to ease the government shut down.  If there are any closed Federal business which make a profit, reopen them. Those that do not make a profit, authorize them to be sold. That would turn tax burdens into tax payers.

Lastly, do not give up or give in. You were chosen for this moment and if it be God’s will you will succeed.


Holt, Karen,  May 3, 2013Honor Flight – one man’s mission for World War II veterans, Examiner.com, http://www.examiner.com/a...

Dan, Joseph, .October 2, 2013, Order to Close WWII Memorial Came from Obama Administration, Park Svc. Says, CNS News.Com, http://www.cnsnews.com/mr...

Kathy Matheson and Mark Scolforo, <cite>October 1, 2013 4:23 PM, </cite>US Government shutdown closes parks, monuments, Yahoo News,http://news.yahoo.com/us-government-shutdown-closes-parks-monuments-202454576.html

 Koran, Laura and Ashley KilloughOctober 1, 2013 Veterans break past World War II Memorial barricade, CNN Political Ticker.http://politicalticker.bl...

James Warren , Joseph Straw , Dan Friedman AND Corky Siemaszko , October 2, 2013, Government shutdown: Politicians squabble as World War II veterans break down memorial gates, 'Panda Cam' lovers cut off, New your Daily News,http://www.nydailynews.co...


Twitchy Staff, October 2, 2013, Barry-cades confirmed: Park Service says Obama admin ordered closure of World War II Memorial, Twitchy U.S. Politics. http://twitchy.com/2013/1...


Safari Woman is online.
What ever a government is big enough to "give" you, it is big enough to take away. When you have an evil dirt bag at the helm, this is what happens.
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This vile, evil, son of Lucifer is trying to punish as many Americans as possible. He has ordered the park service to shut down everything he thinks they can get away with, many of which have no logical,legal, or lawful reason to be shut down. To "make the people suffer" was his order. The sheeple m...
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