Posted on August 9, 2013by


This scandal keeps getting better and nothing is being done about anything within the operational scope of the National Security Agency. ALL emails going outbound, and presumably inbound too, from the United States to people in any other nation, are copied. Text is studied. Intelligence of what is believed to be written pored over. Then the information and context, cataloged and stored, for future use if, the US Government wants to pursue a person(s) for political witch hunting endeavor. It remains beyond prudence that every person in the United States is now a suspect for the crimes willingly engaged in by the US Government. An interesting thought is, why would the NSA, having breeched the limitations of intent of mission, and extended/broken US laws, stop short of copying ALL domestic emails, also? It has been a fact that, has handed over massive amounts of encrypted email documents to the US Government, because of a pact between Canada and the United States. The lines are blurred, over the established geo-political borders of all nations with this NSA scandal, and the one and only rat that can clearly be smelled is, an attempt to establish a One World Government. Not being mentioned is that the United Nations would be the main rat, and it is not comprised of elected officials, and is made up of appointees. The scandal plagued United Nations, I suspect, is mastermind and puppeteer. But whom is it, that is the puppeteer’s master? We must follow, the Money.

Read more at:

!! My note~ Nope...

Well...I know for a fact that Canada is not in cahoots with this as this blog implies! It is totally the US Governments doing and Canada does not meddle in another countries politics! So if emails from Canada to the USA are being falls under the USA gov't. jurisdiction.

The Canadian Gov't. is not all out for the NWO as under the Agenda 21 and the UN....We are fighting the UN! The Un wanted our water rights....we told them to stuff it...we aren't signing that agreement! We are a sovereign nation and plan to stay in control of our resources!




Walter D.
NSA - National Spy Agency
  • August 10, 2013
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Truthfully, this is totally computerized. No one is reading these because that would be an impossibility. Without buzzwords or specific names or subjects no one is going to read your email.
  • August 10, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yes there are buzz words...have you seen how many ordinary, everyday words they have on the list? It's ludicrous! Even if you write his Name in an is considered worthy of reading.
  • August 10, 2013
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Safari Woman
This has been going on for a long time. LONG time.
  • August 10, 2013
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