Lindy, millions of grassroots patriots are now realizing that they've been had. Remember when the media was parroting Obama's line that "the rich needed to pay their fair share" and that hard-working Americans earning less than $250,000 would not see an increase?

It's actually far worse!

The non-partisan Tax Policy Center says, "Middle-class workers will take a bigger hit to their income proportionally than those earning between $200-$500K under the fiscal cliff deal."

Those below the $200,000 threshold will experience a 1.7-percent tax hit while those above that amount will see a 1.3 percent increase!


That's why this Grassfire initiative is so important. To our knowledge, no other organization in the country is giving Americans an opportunity to express their anger toward John Boehner and Congress in such a creative way.

The only way to effectively message Capitol Hill is to put them on notice. These INVOICES will show them just how much they're taking from us ... not the trillions, but the hundreds that We The People are losing each month!

Our goal is to put a face on that money, and we want to include you, your family and your friends.

Go here now to schedule your FREE INVOICE to Speaker Boehner:


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