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EXCERPTS: RI: Global Strategy Group has its hands in almost every published Democratic poll out there…and those polls are then regurgitated by Mainstream Media over and over again until people just accept the lie…but…ummm…where they really excel, is the new media.  The Republicans are so far behind in learning how to utilize the new media…GSG takes money from hundreds of liberal/progressive groups…and turns it into…they just dominate sites like YouTube…things that are then easily forwarded to millions of users through Twitter, Facebook…Google searches…it’s all intertwined and GSB is one of the primary engines for the Obama machine to make that happen.  And GSB is just one of the organizations tied into Common Cause.  At that ceremony last year…you had representation from MSNBC, big money bundlers, advisers to Barack Obama…and you want to know who else was a sponsor along with Gerard, and Global Strategy Group?

…John Zuccotti.

WHI:  The park?  The Occupy bullsh-t?  All that?

RI:  Exactly.  The owner of Zuccotti Park and the genesis of Occupy Wall Street.  Does anyone here think it was just coincidence that this ceremony was hosted by the head of possibly the most influential and dangerous labor organization in the world, who was a very vocal supporter of the Occupy movement, as well as a firm that handles, among other things, new media public relations, as well as the individual who actually ALLOWED all those protesters to hang out day after day in what became the Occupy movement?  A movement…people say it died out before the 2012 election but…no…it was a huge factor with that 1% tag…they destroyed Romney with that.  Months before Election Day…they spent…a hundred million maybe?  A hundred million pinning Romney down as the evil rich guy.

…Those three…GSB, Gerard, Zuccotti…all hosting this Common Cause event last year.  Common Cause…within walking distance of Lagarde’s IMF…and Barack Obama’s White House.  Bankers. Media. Union leaders.  Public Relations and polling firms…George Soros – he’s deep into Common Cause as well…they are all, for the most part…all rich white people who want nothing more than to see the traditions of the United States broken apart.  All of these threads that the Old Man was putting out there to you…they all come together with the Common Cause organization.  And they don’t just own the Democratic Party…they are heavily invested in the Republican Party as well.  Look up Zuccotti…he represents that dynamic perfectly.  And Barack Obama represents…like I said…the current prize of their investment.  The tool for that destruction.  And…it’s been a long time coming.  The Democratic Party started it…the Republican Party…some of them…are now accepting it.



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