A citizen’s committee made up of former high military brass, CIA and intelligence agents and think tank members have finished their report on Benghazi.  Their conclusion is Obama’s policies made the Benghazi attack by Al Qaeda possible by switching sides in the war on terror.  The committee spent 7 months investigating the Benghazi attack and it’s causes.  Their conclusion was that Obama allowed weapons to enter Libya and into Al Qaeda’s hands.  Without those weapons, the attack in Benghazi would not be possible.

One former CIA agent, Clare Lopez was quoted as saying:

The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures.”

She blamed the Obama administration for allowing $500 million dollars worth of weapons to enter the country and into Al Qaeda’s hands: read more ! >


Please, I'm not belittling your message.  But where will this go?  Nowhere.  Democrats, liberals, progressives etc etc DON'T CARE what either Hillary or obama do.  They just don't care!   Hillary is bathed in blood and she's being considered a candidate 2016. 

Just think about this:  WHAT would either of these miscreants have to do to get the attention of the Democrat Party?  What exactly would turn liberals against this team?  They are murderers and yet they still serve.  Child porn/abuse probably wouldn't do it either.  It's just so disgusting and frustrating! 

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