As part of his desperate political plot to distract the country with something -- anything -- other than ObamaCare's debacle, Benghazi, the IRS, NSA or his tardy, empty Ukraine policies, Barack Obama has been talking a lot about global warming.

Forget about the Nov. 4 midterm election, folks. The world is burning up. A crisis not to be wasted.

Obama calls it climate change before his audiences because after this endless winter of polar vortexes and record snowfalls and ice cover, the word 'warming' draws applause or chuckles, not his desired gasps.

Secretary of State John Kerry even said recently that global warming is "perhaps the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction." He was not on 'Saturday Night Live' at the time and, of course, he didn't mention Iran. Because that country is building a genuine weapon of mass destruction thanks to Obama's unbounded willingness to lob mere words at the mullahs.

Obama has often declared the science of global warming is settled. Just as he'd like his broken, sinking, healthcare policies to be settled law. Good luck with that, sir. But, wait! There's more. ->

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