Topic: terrorism

Redneck Angel Warrior

by, Theodore Shoebat | A nun in Germany has recently done a presentation in a conference of an independent investigation she conducted of the treatment of Christians in Syria under the hands of Muslim fundamentali...
Redneck Angel Warrior

by, Jana Katsuyama | KTVU | h/t Creeping Sharia Students said they were scared when they saw the police arrive at Lafayette Elementary School Friday morning. An Oakland Unified School District spokesman told KTVU that a third...
Safari Woman

U.S. Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, while testifying before a House panel today, indicated that the government’s ability to detect terrorists inside the homeland is hindered by sanctuary cities t...
Carl Spencer

7/6/15 From By Steve Forbes THE NEGOTIATIONS over Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons are about to be completed. This will trigger one of the most important congressional debates in American history. From all...
Safari Woman

Bill Ayers Admits this in an interview with the Daily Beast: Excerpts: There was a big hullabaloo during the 2008 presidential election over your relationship to Obama. What is or was your relationship to him? The truth is e...
Redneck Angel Warrior

*Note: This is a “Must See” Video for the Judeo-Christian and Non-Christian, alike. For anyone unfamiliar with David Wood, he is an absolutely amazing human being. He is truly brilliant.
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