Topic: taxes

Safari Woman

TRILLIONS? ARG!!! Excerpts:   Senate Budget Committee Republican staff on Thursday released a description of what they claim is a “major flaw” in the immigration reform plan being pushed by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight"--a ...
Safari Woman

This should be a crime. We need restrictions on costs of ammenities and so forth for presidents! I am realistic and realize that there is a certain amount of dignified entertainment that should occur when visiting leaders are...
Wanda Hope Carter

        I grew up on a large cotton farm surrounded by nature where tending to the life of the earth and animals was our daily business. My father, who seemed to have an interest in just about everything from a scientific per...

The question still ponders some States with the mandated Obamacare!  Politicians tells us we must purchase health insurance or pay the piper no matter what!  Well, I have a change suggestion that the American people should ma...
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