Topic: obama

Safari Woman

Excerpts: A recent story in EnergyGuardian (sub. req’d) centered on Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-R.I.) support for the carbon “fee” bill introduced by his colleagues Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Fortunately,...
Safari Woman

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCERPTS: On Thursday, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would resign his position as soon as a replacement could be named. Before the official announcement, which ...
Safari Woman

LOL oh my, my, my ---- So, the NAACP said, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal’s ad...
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