Topic: Muslim

Safari Woman

Oct 4, 2015 It took a lot of searching to discover some of these items I'm posting and I've left off the mainstream reported facts that most people are apparently aware of. I find the networks oddly relatively quiet about th...
Safari Woman

This page has been helpful for me being I was unable to follow this story today.  "Abdulazeez was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. (Anyone want to wager a gue...
R Potts

McRINO, McAmnesty, McFlipFlop, McSenile, McBULL! From Right Wing News: In June, Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change its practice of banning arms from our soldiers on bases and recruiting centers here in Ameri...
Safari Woman

WAKE UP AMERICA! Please stop the establishment of Sharia Law in America! NOW! The terrorist front group known as "The Muslim Brotherhood," which has relentlessly infiltrated every level of Obama's incredibly treasonous admini...
Redneck Angel Warrior

by, Jana Katsuyama | KTVU | h/t Creeping Sharia Students said they were scared when they saw the police arrive at Lafayette Elementary School Friday morning. An Oakland Unified School District spokesman told KTVU that a third...
Redneck Angel Warrior

*Note: This is a “Must See” Video for the Judeo-Christian and Non-Christian, alike. For anyone unfamiliar with David Wood, he is an absolutely amazing human being. He is truly brilliant.
Redneck Angel Warrior

  Here is sharia unveiled’s preliminary report on this story from June of this year. by,  KRIS ZANE | The Western Center for Journalism The failed novelist, once Obama speech writer, now National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes ...
Safari Woman

According to a book by Leon Panetta as reported by American Thinker, Obama's legitimacy challenges affected his presidency. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Obama because the challenge to his legitimacy hindered him? NO I tell...
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