Topic: Muslim

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Safari Woman

Oct 4, 2015 It took a lot of searching to discover some of these items I'm posting and I've left off the mainstream reported facts that most people are apparently aware of. I find the networks oddly relatively quiet about th...
Safari Woman

This page has been helpful for me being I was unable to follow this story today.  "Abdulazeez was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. (Anyone want to wager a gue...
R Potts

McRINO, McAmnesty, McFlipFlop, McSenile, McBULL! From Right Wing News: In June, Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change its practice of banning arms from our soldiers on bases and recruiting centers here in Ameri...
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