Wanda Hope Carter

A friend shared this image on another network today and this is my two cents worth about it. I believe human beings are born sovereign and that they have a right to put anything in their body that they want to. But when it b...
Dale Barnes

What's next? These left wing morons in DC have endless stupid ideas and this one is up there near the top of the stupidest of the stupidest of them. The article says, "House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) has introduced...
Safari Woman

The article attached below is from 2012. I came across it while doing research on what happened to Bill Gwaltney after having seen the image posted below floating around on Social Media. It is quite stunning and a bit long bu...
Wanda Hope Carter

I finally got my computer set back up as it and peripherals were one of a few things I prioritized to take with me when I evacuated. I also took pictures, videos, jewelry, guns and ammo, and important papers along with food, ...
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