
YES!!!  I DO!  YES!!  Take me back to the 50's!  I LOVED the 50's.  It was the most comforting, safest decade I've ever had the privilege of living through! 

Have you forgotten that the 1960's ushered in the beginning of the long awaited BIRTH CONTROL era?  That each year after newer, more effective and more convenient methods were introduced?  Why is it necessary to perform over 1 million abortions annually when we can prevent conception without actually KILLING a fetus.  Oh, to be sure, it's a baby!  But if you're more comfortable calling it a fetus.......then I'll humor you.   

This is the EXACT same thing as having your brand new Ferrari destroyed because you have decided you don't want it!! 

Obama kills everyone and anyone who stands in the way of his popularity with his dwindling sycophants!   Life is only necessary to transport us to paradise and the 72 virgins that await!  And I hope everyone of obama's is Moochele!

Topics: obama, abortion, 1950's
Safari Woman
If ONLY we could go back to the fifties! I'd head back there in a heartbeat! Although they did scare the crap out of me with all of the nuclear war drills in school. But locally - and nationally, heck we were able to live! Now we are trying to survive.
Abortion wise - all the improvements lead to Gos...
  • April 26, 2013
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I was watching a movie (a spoof) from 1977 and they mentioned the 'moral decay of the American government' and people wanting abortion up until the child is five years old. So this kid is being bad and the parents keep yelling to him, "We're going to kill you!" It was actually quite funny, the mov...
  • April 26, 2013
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