A friend posted this meme on facebook and my comment to it there follows:

 "True! But - I'm more worried about the microwaves and radiation coming off of phones in their close proximity and held to their heads. I know a woman who won't use a microwave in her kitchen yet gave her 6 year old a phone which is much higher exposure on a regular basis. USA phones limit microwaves but that limit is based on testing exposure to average adults as they used military as the test subjects. Child skulls are much thinner and have never been tested to see the damage done by phones. Too many studies show they can cause cancer and brain tumors. So even if the child does go on to doodle or pick up a guitar - the question is - how much life will they have left due to the phones. & Don't even get me started on the cell towers."

Someone commented to me there and I realized that as usual I would be adding links as examples in my reply so it seemed like a good idea to go ahead and make this blog out of the conversation. Part of their comment indicated it was rare to see people with phone's to their heads and most usage was away from the body. Following is my reply:

I regularly see people with their phones to their heads. But even at an arm's length they are still touching the phone. Someone I know often carries her phone in her cleavage! Others have it in their pockets. But where ever one is located in proximity to a phone they are still exposed to radiation. The waves diminish slightly with space but they don't stop traveling. There's a reason phones have an airplane mode! If waves can affect plane communications then what are they doing to the electric circuitry of every cell in our bodies?

Over many years now I have studied on this but am surely NO expert! I tend to watch the videos and read studies by those who are not financed by the industry and who then inevitably conclude there is no harm or no definitive conclusions. It is the evidence presented by doctors, scientists and scientific groups who are not funded by the tech giants themselves that concern me.  

Here's a few links to show cause for my worries. This is by no means a definitive presentation but just a drop in the ocean of information circulating that shows me we don't know enough, studies by industry financed groups are unreliable and the governing body of what is harmful ICNIRP,  itself is highly suspect! 

Microwave Ovens VS Cell Phones 

How Far Should a Cell Phone Be From Your Body 

Joel Moskowitz UC Berkley Researcher Study of Cell Phone Damage Commentary

Distance From Cell Towers and Cancer Rates 

ICNIRP Collection With Evidence of Fraud, Corruption and Immorality

Everything I've linked is merely an example of a source available on the topic and was chosen because I have repeatedly come across information substanciating the claims and contents of the piece.

You may also want to research cancer cluster around cell towers. However, I must point out, like so much of what might be found online these days, if it goes against the grain and does not follow the concensus that the powers that be hope we believe in, information about it can be hard to find. I started reasearching almost two decades ago and have stumbled across many of the items I've seen or read by accident over the years. 

Overall, I am concerned about the waves in general for all of us, but especially in reguards to children who depend on adults to protect them for not being able to research and make mature decisions about what is safe. 

Copyright 2023 Wanda Hope Carter all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved. If you would like to share this article please do so by link to this page. 


Barbara I Martien
What really makes this difficult is the lack of public phones.
  • January 30, 2024
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Wanda Hope Carter
So true! I was an independent sales agent who worked on the road going from job to job for many years and it was sometimes a pain not to have a phone - BUT - at what price do I now have to depend on one - and is it worth it? I really don't know - it's a delimma. 
  • February 3, 2024
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Barbara I Martien
I was thinking the same thing
  • February 3, 2024
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